Message From Head Of Department


Thank you for visiting the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Amritsar Group of Colleges, Amritsar. Mechanical Engineering – a core engineering discipline – plays a central role in creation of the materialistic world, and we at AGC Amritsar present a platform broad and wide for the inculcation of these core findings, and we proudly announce the completion of sixteen years of inception, growth and establishment.

The department offers B.Tech, M.Tech and B.Vocational programs enriched in core learnings, challenges and opportunities. B.Tech Mechanical Engineering programme has been accredited by NBA (two times). To keep up with the time is a key element for the survival in this fast growing world. So to meet the global requirements, Mechanical Engineering at AGC has established a Centre of Excellence (COE) in Robotics and Industrial Automation in addition to various Laboratories such as Heat Engines & Strength of Materials, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Hydraulics & Theory of Machines, Mechanical Vibrations, Fluid Mechanics, Metrology sciences etc. Department focuses on practical training to all its students, besides their classroom teaching. Department also established advanced facilities in Automotive Technologies Lab to explore the latest concepts and practical knowledge to the students in automotive technologies. Even through this journey of merely sixteen years, this state-of-the-art infrastructure is in full utilization in the department. Multidisciplinary group works, global integration and industrial problem-solving are inherent parts of the course structures.

The hands-on-practice at AGC Amritsar Mechanical Engineering Department is contributing strongly in thermal, design and manufacturing areas. Regular interaction with industry through collaborative projects, course requirements and general discussions on advancements in technological aspects develop an environment closer to the practical essence of engineering. Regular activities are arranged and encouraged in the department for indigenous product development, skills enhancement and interdisciplinary interactions. I feel obliged to welcome you and to further respond to any of your query or clarity

Er. P.S. Pannu (Head of the Department - ME)mechanical engineering